Sunday, June 10, 2012

Enjoy your summer but be smart about it

It might not officially be summer yet but we've had enough hot days that it sure seems like it's already here. So let me take this warm weather opportunity to share some basic summertime facts with you.
First, hot weather should be taken seriously.  People die from this stuff.  Heat-related illness kills over 400 people in the United States every year.

Know the signs of heat-related problems.  A red face, lots of sweating, and labored breathing are all signs of heat stress.  There may not be a problem yet but it's definitely time to be watching out.
If that same person becomes dizzy, lethargic, or confused--you have a problem.  Get them cool in a hurry.  Immersing them in cold water is the best first aid.  If that's not available then anything you can do to cool them off is good.

Ice packs, wet towels, and shade are all important.  Moving air helps.
If they stop sweating, you have a medical emergency on your hands.  Call 911 and tell them to please hurry.

If it's an option, plan your outdoor activities around the times of day that are cooler.  If that's not an option, wear loose fitting, light-colored clothing.  And drink lots of fluids--sports drinks if you're going to be outside for more than hour.  Water is OK if your time outside is going to be short.
Acclimatization is hugely important.  You just can't go from being in air-conditioning 24/7 to exercising in the heat without expecting problems.  If you really want to enable your body to exercise or play in the heat, then you might even consider turning off the air-conditioner altogether.

Back in my day as a football player (yes, another old fogey moment is upon us), we had far fewer heat-related issues.  We also had far fewer air-conditioners.
Those two are definitely connected.  I remember well the first car we had that had an air-conditioner and the only air-conditioner in our home for most of my growing up years was a small window unit in my parents' bedroom so my dad could sleep during the day when he worked all night.

We also didn't drink much and we now know how stupid that was.
With the sun closer to the earth (after all, that's what makes it summer), we also need to be aware of damage to our skin.  Always remember that sunburn is bad so do whatever it takes to avoid getting sunburned.

If you're going to apply sunscreen and then go exercise, do it early and make sure it's the type not affected by sweating.  And even then, stop, dry off, and re-apply every couple of hours. 
Pay particular attention to those high exposure areas like your nose, neck, and the tips of your ears.  I use the highest SPF I can find on those areas.

Sunburn leads to skin cancer which, if untreated, can lead to other, deadly cancers. 
Too much tanning leads to skin damage which leads to early aging.  Yes, I know I'm perpetually tanned but that's due to being outdoors too much but that's my job and my hobbies and my yard.

And don't forget your eyes.  Sunglasses in the bright sun are always a good idea.  And hats.  Hats are always good (visors help but not if you've got a donut hole--and if you're old enough and male, you know what I'm talking about). 
Enjoy your summer but be smart about it.

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