Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The "next" 10 health tips

Remember when Mom was always saying "wash your hands," especially just before dinner?   We don't seem to hear that as much these days.   Yet, we know full well that to avoid getting sick, we need to do two very important things:  Wash our hands and keep our hands out of our mouth.  

I'm pretty sure most of us don't wash our hands enough.  In health care, we do it all the time, to the point that most of us have chronic skin problems because of it.   I clean my hands every time when I walk in to see a patient and I clean them again as I walk out.

But most of the time, I don't do the same outside the clinic.   It just isn't convenient to wash my hands after every encounter.   It isn't convenient on the football field.  It isn't convenient after I have shaken hands with someone in the grocery store.

And I would bet that most people don't really think about the impact of putting their hand to their mouth.   You should.  We do it all the time.

As I write this, I find myself coming down with a cold.   I obviously haven't taken my own advice.  That old "do as I say" thing that doesn't work in parenting either.    Lesson learned.   I will do better.

What else?  I usually preach about the big three:  Exercise daily, eat a balanced diet, and don't smoke.  So, what else we can do to stay healthy?   I've formulated my next ten list of what all of us can do.

Be a friend.  I've often said to have a friend, be a friend.  Connecting with other people helps us to manage our own stress and be generally happier, healthier people. 

Wear shower shoes in a public shower.  Oh yeah.  I got Athlete's Foot as an 11 year old at Camp Buck Toms and it took me years to get over it.  

Laugh more.  I get busted on this one regularly.   I admit that I'm way too serious most of the time.   It's my job to take your health seriously but I really shouldn't let that carry over into the rest of my life. 

Wear your seatbelt.  Yes, I know it's the law but too many people still don't do it.  In the event of an accident, it is your best bet for staying safe.

Use sunscreen.  Ask any dermatologist.   You never want to get a sunburn.  Never.

Read labels.  Know what is in your food.  You will be surprised.   You don't know what an ingredient is?  And you would really consider eating it?

Brush and floss.  It's not just important from your dentist's viewpoint but it helps to keep you healthier.   Our mouth can harbor all kinds of germs. 

Hydrate.  Especially this time of year.  And especially in winter.  By golly drink lots of water year round.   You may not realize it but it really helps your skin and digestive system be healthier.  

Moderation in everything.   Even the good stuff but especially the bad stuff.   

1 comment:

  1. "It's my job to take your health seriously but I really shouldn't let that carry over into the rest of my life."

    Probably the best advice for any new grad out there...thanks for this little piece of advice Joe! Hope all is well!

