Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter: He is risen!

I keep a pretty positive perspective on life.   I've been accused of looking at the world through rose-tinted glasses.  I'm pretty sure I'm one of those glass-half-full kind of guys.  Today...not so much.

I'm frustrated with a lot of things.   I look around and I see hunger and poverty and ignorance and apathy.  I see a world that seems consumed by consumerism, that is divided by partisanship, bias, prejudice , and, yes, religion.
I'm frustrated with national politics.   Have we ever had a messier presidential race?  Has there ever been a time in history when presidential candidates are all taking positions based on how they might get elected instead of establishing platforms about how to fix what is wrong with the country?

Show me a path that leads to more jobs, a stronger economy, better/more affordable health care, and fair taxation and I will follow.
I'm frustrated with how we treat those among us most vulnerable.   I have seen and heard more about child abuse lately than at any point in my life.   A Canadian court's leniency with a child abuser.  The pedophile scandals at Penn State and elsewhere.  It seems too regular that a priest or other religious leader is accused and/or guilty of the same.

Children are such an incredible, precious gift how could anyone do these horrible things?   And is the fact that we are hearing about them so much these days the result of better media coverage or an increased incidence of them?   I hope it is the former.  I fear it is the latter.
The arena of sports competition, usually considered the last place for scandal and intrigue, now produces a weekly drama.  The Black Sox Scandal of 1919 seemed as bad as it got for decades.

Today it's drugs and sex scandals and every manner of inappropriate and boorish behavior.  Goodness gracious, it sounds almost like politics!
I see anger and rage.  Like that guy last week that  I'm pretty sure didn't feel like my bicycling buddies and I belonged on "his" road.  Your salute and expletives were duly noted.

I write this column in mid-week but as you are reading this, it is Easter Sunday.  When I got to this point in writing, I stopped to think about what all that really meant. 
It means that I am blessed beyond measure.   It means that I am forgiven when I acknowledge my mistakes and decide not to make them again.  It means that I have a role model for a life of sacrifice and servitude that is what I was made for.

I am grateful for all that I have been given and know that it wasn't without a price.  The world really is beautiful and loving and kind, if only that is what you are looking for.
I may not be able to change the world but maybe I can change my little corner of it. I will still rant and rave about injustice, hate, prejudice, and unfairness and I'm going to vote and I'm going to be a part of the legislative process because those are all part of being a responsible, thinking adult.

I'm also going to get up in the morning and marvel at the wonder of the day ahead because I have a job I love and then I'm going to love on my family and ride my bike and hopefully find a way to use the gifts I was given.
And I'm going to continue to wear those rose-tinted glasses.

1 comment:

  1. I loved this post. Thank you for your honesty, ,candidness, (is that a word?) And for the challenge.
