Sunday, January 13, 2013

Joe's Rules

There are a few things that you can pretty much always count on.   Sort of "rules" of the universe.   In my little world, things are simpler.   So I came up with a list of Joe's Rules.

There's no such thing as the "right way" to do everything.   Some things just defy one solution.  And stay away from the person that thinks that they've found the one "true" way.   Instead, embrace the person who is asking all the questions, who is seeking the truth.

 It's hard to mess up bacon.  And shrimp.  I suppose that it's possible but I've really tried and I sure haven't found it. 
Sand.  Ocean.  Sun.  It's really hard to beat that combination.  

There IS such a thing as a dumb question.  Trust me.  I've asked plenty of them.  
There is no wrong time to do the right thing.  OK, so maybe this is a bit of a cliché.  I'll  try to do better. 

Everybody doing it doesn't make it OK for you to do.   I can remember my dad telling me that.  He would usually add that "if everyone was jumping off a cliff, would you jump off too?" Well...maybe.  He probably wouldn't have understood climbing that cliff with a rope and a harness.  Or diving with sharks.   I've done those.
Different can be OK.  A lot times it is the one that takes the different path that figures out a better way, invents things, or makes beautiful music.

Your kids will not suffer from being told "no."  Although I think it was made for grandparents, I would recommend that all young parents go see the movie Parental Guidance.  I am from a generation who was often told "no" and sometimes that was followed by a "because I said so."
We didn't suffer from it and it didn't scar us.   I didn't have self-esteem issues from being told I was wrong--I had self-esteem issues because I had bad hair, very little fashion sense, and liked all the girls that didn't like me. 

Do you think that video game is too violent?  Then why did you buy it?  We couldn't let my son watch "professional" wrestling on TV.  Every time we did, we got broken furniture.   Were his emotional needs neglected from depriving him of that?  Oh, heck no.
My kids didn't get denied much but they did get denied the privilege of watching gratuitous violence. 

Marry your best friend.  I can remember too many girls that just wanted "to be friends."  That's OK.  Be friends with all of them and then pick your mate from among 'em.  When the kids are grown, it sure is nice to be able to hang out all the time with your best friend.  Trust me on that one.
Out-work everybody.  Especially in sports.  You think MHS and AHS have successful football programs because of luck?  No, they outwork most everybody on their schedule.

That doesn't mean that other schools don't work hard.   I guarantee you that Tim Hammontree's Heritage squad will work as hard as anybody out there.   But you've got to have the attitude that on any given day, nobody is going to work harder than you.
Wanna be the "go-to" person on the court or field?  Want to be that person that everyone at work relies on?   Work harder.  Sure, work smarter when you can.  But always, always, always work harder.

Don't accept things because "that's the way it has always been done.”  There is usually a better way.  
Aim high.  Strive for perfection.  You might not quite make it but nobody strives for "average."

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