Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Sunny Side Up!

I got called out again.  My piece a couple of weeks ago on my negative side (things I just don't like) generated some healthy discussion.

And since it's just not my nature to remain negative about anything, it was suggested to me by friends that I tell everybody about what I do like. OK.

I like Sunday mornings and pickup trucks.   The smell of coffee and the feel of a spring breeze.

I like long bike rides and piddling with my blueberry bushes. 

I said I didn't like shopping but that isn't entirely true.  I love shopping at Boyd Thomas Clothing.  Bill Womac is the style guru!  And Cycology/Little RIver.  They blow up my credit card every month. And The Market. 

I like dugouts when you're ahead or at least when you're the home team and know that you've got one more at bat.  I like parents that let the coach coach.

I like good restaurants but really like it when the owner is in the kitchen.  I like Benton's bacon and Cruze Farm milk.

I like curvy roads and long descents.  I like listening to my buddy talk non- stop on the bike even though it doesn't matter much what he has to say.  Or it does.

I like movies that tug at the heartstrings although I don't want to admit it.  (If you think I'm going to admit to liking The Notebook here in public, well you don't know me:  I'm not gonna risk losing my man-card.)

I like football jamborees and state championships and everything in between. 

I like Friday nights right before kickoff.  I like it when I walk into the coaches office and the boss yells "JoeBama."  He does stuff like that. 

I like riding home on the bus from a football win and listening to two of the best coaches ever dissect the game. 

I like seeing that kid on the team who is struggling, that needs a little pick-me-up.  Maybe it's a Starburst or a word of encouragement.  I like being that guy that maybe knows what they need and when the need it.

I like meals that include Jim Gaylor regardless of what's on the table. I like canoeing with friends and hiking with my wife. 

And speaking of my wife, I like coming home to her in the evenings, waking up with her in the mornings, and fixing breakfast for both of us.  And then cleaning up the kitchen.

I LOVE Spotify and listening to local artists like Robinella and Logan Brill.

I like having adult children and a family that is inclusive enough to embrace family members that aren't really related to us.   Of course I especially like all those grandchildren.

I like having a job that when the alarm goes off, I can't wait to get there to see what's going to happen.  I like being the person that people come to when they need to get healthier.  And I even like being stopped in a restaurant with a question related to that same thing.

When that sort of thing begins to bother me, it's time to quit.

And maybe most of all I like walking in the door and a grandkid yells "Joesie" or "Daddy Joe" and comes running and jumps into my arms.  It doesn't get any better than that.  

1 comment:

  1. Hey - you missed liking all your friends and colleagues across the country! And Joe, we know you well as many of us could write this list!
